October 18, 2006
KST UHF operation memorandum for the
October 16, 2006 experiment
Experiment name: sp_ni_con:@
arc1 (CP1)
@@@@@@ pointrheight 185.1
77.5 299.6
elan files:puny :/kst/exp/ arc1/arc1.elan
Pulse scheme: arc1
Start time: 20:00 UT on October 18, 2006
End time: 01:00 UT on October 19, 2006
Participants: Satonori
Nozawa, and Takuo Tsuda.
Before our experiment:
After our experiment:
Other instruments.
Photometer, STEL
digital camera (1-min interval), NIPR digital All-sky camera (30-sec interval),
STEL proton imager.
(time in UT)
@@@@@ Clear sky.@ Temperature is -4 deg at 1914 UT.
20:01@ runexp /kst/exp/
arc1/arc1 20:00 cp1 NI
20:01@ sod
runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 20:00 cp1 NI
@@@@@ kir
runexp /kst/exp/ni/arc1/arc1 20:00 cp1 NI
@@@@@ at EROS4 console
@@@@@ TX on (by knut)
20:01@ enablerec
@@@@@ sod enablerec
@@@@@ kir
@@@@@ 2193
kW (~1.5 MW)
@@@@@ rtg
20:15@ (at
matilda)@ guisdap –a
20:02 1.6 MW@
(according to guisdap, while 2520 kW in rtg: rtg is wrong)
Clear sky and diffuse aurora
1.5 MW
Clear sky
Clear sky, but the activity is lowc.. Temperature is -7 degc
01:00@ stopexp (all sites)
The weather was
very good, but the ionosphere was weakly active or quiet.
of SPs
We will make an optical campaign using aurora cameras, proton imagers and 4-wavelength photometer with tje EISCAT UHF radar. Clear sky and higher geomagnetic activity are desired. Although we made request for 5 nights, we will run only 3 nights depending on conditions.
The main goal of
the experiment is an investigation of the mechanisms of high power radio-wave
interaction with F-region ionospheric plasma. The UHF EISCAT radar will run the
tau2pl program to measure the spatial and temporal variations of the
ionospheric parameters simultaneously with multispectral optical observations
of the HF induced optical emissions by ALIS (IRF) and ASK (KTH). In particular
we are going to study: the differences in temporal behavior of the different
optical emissions as well as the electron temperature and density; the
pump-power dependences of the emission intensities. To conduct the experiment
successfully quite geophysical conditions, strong enough ionospheric F region,
and clear sky are needed. If ionospheric conditions will be insufficient
(critical frequency less than 4 MHz) or there will be strong auroral activity
we will run same observations (but the arc1 program will be used instead the
tau2pl for the UHF radar) to study the influence of the HF heating on the
ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction.