December 11, 2006

KST UHF operation memorandum for the December 11, 2006 experiment


Experiment name: sp_ni_oh and HASK: arc1 (CP1)

@@@@@@ pointrheight 185.1 77.5 299.6


elan files:puny :/kst/exp/ arc1/arc1.elan


Pulse scheme: arc1

Start time: 16:00 UT on December 11, 2006

End time: 23:00 UT on December 11, 2006

Heating was on from 20:00 UT to 23:00 UT


Participants: Satonori Nozawa, and Taiki Watanabe.


Before our experiment: Nothing

After our experiment: Nothing


Other instruments.

Photometer, STEL digital camera (1-min interval), NIPR digital All-sky camera (30-sec interval), STEL proton imager (1-min interval).


Note: (time in UT)

December 11, 2006

@@@@@ Cloudy, and -1 deg.


15:48@ sod runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 16:00 cp1 NI

15:48@ kir runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 16:00 cp1 NI

15:56@ runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 15:57 cp1 NI

@@@@@ Tx up

16:00@ enablerec

@@@@@ sod enablerec

@@@@@ kir enablerec

@@@@@ at EROS4 console (UHF)

@@@@@ rtg

@@@@@ kir webtg

@@@@@ sod webtg


16:05@ guisdap –a (at matilda)


17:50@ Tx down

17:54@ Recovered


18:02@ sod pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220

@@@@@ kir pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220


18:35@ 1584 kW (rtg)


20:09@ Tx down@ (probably due to noises caused by the Heating)

20:16@ Recovered


@@@@@ It is 7 deg in the town, and 5 deg here!!!!


Just before 20:00 the ionosphere got active and the weather got better.


21:10@ Tx problem. Power p/down

21:19 recoverd

@@@@@ UP/down 3 times. The heating seems to affect badlyc.


21:46@ TX down (crowbar)

21:50@ recovered


22:01@ TX down (crowbar)

22:04@ recovered


@@@@@ at EROS

@@@@@ rtpeek txwg

@@@@@ 1476 kW


23:00@ stopexp (all sites)

@@@@@ stopexp

@@@@@ kir stopexp

@@@@@ sod stopexp


@@@@@ Partly cloudy, 2 deg C.



The activity of the ionosphere was very low until ~20 UT. Starting at ~20 UT, the ionospheric activity became high and lasted until the experiment. Sky was also bad until ~20 UT, but it was partly clear sky later on.


Descriptions of SPs



We run the UHF radar with CP1/arc1 mode together with NIPR OH spectrometer and other optical instruments. The target is to investigate the influence of the particle precipitation in the upper mesosphere.@ Clear sky and high activity are desired.



Heating and ASK by

Optical and heating campaign, focusing on E-region heating and its optical effect