December 12, 2006

KST UHF operation memorandum for the December 12, 2006 experiment


Experiment name: sp_ni_oh and HASK: arc1 (CP1)

@@@@@@ pointrheight 185.1 77.5 299.6

Today, Swedish time is used for 7 hours.

(Japanese time was used for 7 hours for the Dec 11 run)


elan files:puny :/kst/exp/ arc1/arc1.elan


Pulse scheme: arc1

Start time: 16:00 UT on December 12, 2006

End time: 23:00 UT on December 12, 2006

Heating was on between 20:00 and 23:00 UT


Participants: Satonori Nozawa, and Taiki Watanabe.


Before our experiment: Nothing

After our experiment: Nothing


Other instruments.

Photometer, STEL digital camera (1-min interval), NIPR digital All-sky camera (30-sec interval), STEL proton imager (1-min interval).


Note: (time in UT)

December 12, 2006

@@@@@ Cloudy, and 5 deg.


15:48@ sod runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 15:55 cp1 SW

15:48@ kir runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 15:55 cp1 SW

15:56@ runexp /kst/exp/arc1/arc1 15:52 cp1 SW

15:57@ sod pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220.0

15:57@ kir pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220.0


16:00@ enablerec

@@@@@ sod enablerec

@@@@@ kir enablerec

@@@@@ at EROS4 console (UHF)

@@@@@ rtg

@@@@@ Tx ON


@@@@@ kir webtg

@@@@@ sod webtg

16:03@ 1500 kW(rtg)

16:11@ guisdap –a (at matilda)


16:37@ crowbar (big noise)

16:41@ crowbar

16:43@ recovered

@@@@@ 1559 kW (rtg)

16:51@ THE IONOSPHERE is VERY ACITIVE (but cloudy here)


17:22@ crowbar and Tx down

17:38@ Recovered


17:56@ crowbar (big noise) and Tx down

18:04@ Serious? Ralf went down to see the TXc

18:15@ reseted. Count down for 15 minc

18:16@ disablerec

@@@@@ kir disablerec

@@@@@ sod disablerec


18:37@ Tried to fix the problemc


@@@@@ Windy outside.


19:14@ Sky is clear ?@ Aurora!


19:24@ Recovered

@@@@@ It took about 1 and half hours to recover the observation. Shame!!!


22:23@ Cloudy?


@@@@@ The electron density become high around 280 km,

@@@@@ so try to change the remote position

22:35@ kir pointrheight 185.1 77.5 299.6

@@@@@ sod pointrheight 185.1 77.5 299.6

22:37@ kir pointrheight 185.1 77.5 282.9

@@@@@ sod pointrheight 185.1 77.5 282.9

@@@@@ At kiruna, gacu Failed to bring ACU onh@

@@@@@ Something wrong with the Kiruna antenna

@@@@@ Then, back to the position.

@@@@@ kir pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220.0

@@@@@ sod pointrheight 185.1 77.5 220.0



23:01@ stopexp

@@@@@ kir stopexp

@@@@@ sod stopexp


@@@@@ Raining, 2 deg C.



The activity of the ionosphere was high. Due to the TX problem, the experiment was stopped from 1756 to 1924 UT. After the TX break, the experiment went well. But the weather was not good.


Descriptions of SPs



We run the UHF radar with CP1/arc1 mode together with NIPR OH spectrometer and other optical instruments. The target is to investigate the influence of the particle precipitation in the upper mesosphere.@ Clear sky and high activity are desired.

PI: Dr Makoto Taguchi, NIPR




Heating and ASK by

Optical and heating campaign, focusing on E-region heating and its optical effect