Study on artificially induced FAIs using EISCAT heater, UHF and SuperDARN radars PI: A. S. Yukimatu FAIs artificially induced by ionospheric heater are ideal Targets for studying creation and decay processes of FAIs. Though some or many of such studies including those with heater, IS UHF radars together with SuperDARN radars, this time we'll use SuperDARN TMS mode possibly with multi-frequency FDI technique together with Tromso UHF radar which latitudinally sweeping over the heater induced regions. This technique will, we hope, provide important information to reveal the essential physical creation/decay processes of FAIs. Beata pulse code and sweep*_pattern.elan (in /kst/exp/ni/beata/scans) will be used for the Tromsoe and Kiruna UHF radar observations. SP Time: ---------------------------------------- YYYY:MM:DD UT ---------------------------------------- 2008:03:04 10-13 (3 hours) tro 2008:03:04 10-13 (3 hours) heating 2008:03:04 10-10 (0.5 hour) kir 2008:03:06 09-13 (4 hours) tro 2008:03:04 09-13 (4 hours) heating 2008:03:07 10-11 (1 hour) tro 2008:03:07 10-11 (1 hour) heating 2008:03:12 12-13 (1.5 hours) tro <- UK (PI: T. Yeoman) 2008:03:12 12-13 (1.5 hours) heating <- UK (PI: T. Yeoman) ---------------------------------------- 19 hours in total.