January 10, 2011 KST UHF operation memorandum for the January 10th, 2011 experiment Experiment name: Reimei_UHF: beata (CP1) pointrheight 185.8 77.4 200 Resources NI(4) eroshost (t49851) eiscat@t49851:/kst/exp/scans/kst/ni> elan files:eroshost :/kst/exp/ni/beata/beata Pulse scheme: beata (v2) Start time: 23:00 UT on January 10, 2011 End time: 03:00 UT on January 11, 2011 Participants: Satonori Nozawa Before our experiment: Nothing After our experiment: Nothing Other instruments. LIDAR, FPI, proton imager, photometer etc. But, it is cloudy, and then snowing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: (time in UT) January 10, 2011 Cloudy sky, and -18 deg. 22:35 run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 22:35 kir run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 22:35 sod run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 23:00 Tx on No response from EROS u *** Reimei-ESR coordinated observations of ion upflows UT *** 23:10 restart EROS u ** at culebra ssh tserver eros kill uhf eros u 23:11 run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 23:12 enablerec 23:13 guisdap ?a (at culebra: 23:12 kir enablerec 23:13 no response from Sodankyla 2314 Rebooted sod machine 2315 Connection with sod recovered 2317 sod run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 2318 sod enablerec 23:59 rem s stopexp sod run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 200 sod enablerec 01:42 crowbar 01:44 recovered Tx=1530kW 02:11 crowbar 02:12 recovered Tx=1595kW 02:20 crowbar 02:22 recovered Tx=1584kW 02:59 stopexp Summary The activity of the ionosphere was moderate for an earlier half of the experiment interval. Tx was stable with a power of 1.5-1.6 MW DATA were stored at t49851:/data/beata_cp1_ 2.0u_NI@uhf Analyzed data were stored at /analysis/results/2011-01-11_beata_60@uhfa Descriptions of SP Reimei and EISCAT UHF coordinated observations We conduct coordinated EISCAT-Reimei observations of nightside auroral phenomena. We will also run several optical instruments (e.g., All sky and wide view TV imagers) in the EISCAT Tromsoe site. CP-1 mode (with beata code) will be used for the UHF radar. ESR is also run.