---------------------------------------------------------- KST observations (updated on March 9, 2013) ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Tomography PIs:Y. Tanaka (NIPR), Tima and Urban (IRF Kiruna) Resources: NI(10), SW(10) UHF radar observation (beata, sweep80) ---------------------------------------------------------- 2013-03-06 (Tue) 18-24 UT ( 6 hours) (UHF) 16:50 UT runexp /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata fm sweep80 SP 17:04 UT stopexp 17:55 UT runexp /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata fm sweep80 SP 18:00 UT enablerec 21:56 UT Power amplifier down (0 kW Tx) for about 1 minute. (Note: Extended SP for 1 hour) 24:00 UT stopexp Cloudy in the beginning of the SP. Clear sky after 19:40 UT. An auroral arc appeared around 22:30 UT, and expanded after 23 UT. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2013-03-07 (Wed) 18-23 UT ( 5 hours) (UHF) 17:35 UT pointdir 170 3 (to remove snow on antenna) 17:55 UT runexp /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata fm sweep80 SP 18:00 UT enablerec 23:00 UT stopexp It became a clear sky after 1930 UT. Quiet geomagnetic condition. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2013-03-08 (Thu) 18-23 UT ( 5 hours) (UHF) 17:59 UT runexp /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata fm sweep80 SP 18:00 UT enablerec 23:00 UT stopexp Completely cloudy during the SP. Geomagnetic condition was quiet. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2013-03-09 (Fri) 19-23 UT ( 4 hours) (UHF) 18:52 UT runexp /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata fm sweep80 SP 19:00 UT enablerec 23:00 UT stopexp Clear sky and quiet geomagnetic condition. ---------------------------------------------------------- crowbar (0 kW) for **sec