Last updated on December 8, 2016 Tromsø UHF operation memorandum for experiments Experiment name: SP_AURORA PI: Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku Univ.) and Yasunobu Ogawa (NIPR) Resources: NI(27) Pulse scheme: beata elan files: t45001:/kst/exp/beata/beata scan pattern file (for UHF beata): /kst/exp/scans/kst/cp1_pattern.elan Participants: Yasunobu Ogawa and Yu Endo (till December 4, 2016) Satonori Nozawa (December 5, 2016) Before our experiment: METEOR_UHF (PI: J. Kero (IRF)) After our experiment: METEOR_UHF (PI: J. Kero (IRF)) ************************************************************* December 2, 2016 (Friday) (UHF) 17:30 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda fm sw/maarsy SW 100 18:00 UT enablerec 19:59 UT stopexp 20:00 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda 20:00 sw/maarsy SW 100 20:00 UT enablerec 20:34 UT stopexp 20:35 UT runexp /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 20:35 UT enablerec 20:59 UT stopexp (due to a wrong antenna position) 20:59 UT runexp /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 21:00 UT enablerec 21:14 UT stopexp 21:15 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda 20:00 sw/maarsy SW 100 21:15 UT enablerec 22:24 UT culebra (PC for UHF operation) crushed and restarted 22:30 UT runexp /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 22:30 UT enablerec 23:21 UT UHF Crowber. Tx recovered at 23:22 UT. 23:57 UT stopexp 00:00 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda 20:00 sw/maarsy SW 100 00:00 UT enablerec 05:00 UT stopexp Note: It was sometimes a clear sky and aurora was seen at 20:10-21:10 and 22:30-24:00 UT on December 2, 2016. ----------------------------------------------------- December 3, 2016 (Saturday) canceled ----------------------------------------------------- December 4, 2016 (Sunday) canceled ----------------------------------------------------- December 5, 2016 (Monday) (UHF) 22:45 stopexp 22:46 run /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI (@eros u) 22:47 enablerec 00:20 Tx: 1543 kW getting cloudy, about -7 deg. 01:26 stopexp Summary Clear sky until about 01 UT. The activity of the ionosphere was relatively low. Tx was very stable (about 1.5 MW) -----------------------------------------------------