Last updated on January 4, 2017 Tromsø UHF operation memorandum for experiments Experiment name: SP_AURORA PI: Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku Univ.) Yoshimasa Tanaka (NIPR), and Yasunobu Ogawa (NIPR) Resources: NI(30) Pulse scheme: beata elan files: t45001:/kst/exp/beata/beata scan pattern file (for UHF beata): /kst/exp/scans/kst/cp1_pattern.elan Participants: only EISCAT staff supported by Yasunobu Ogawa (from NIPR) After our experiment: METEOR_UHF (PI: J. Kero (IRF)) ************************************************************* January 2, 2017 (Monday) (UHF) 21:50 UT runexp /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 21:58 UT enablerec 23:01 UT stopexp 23:03 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda 20:00 sw/maarsy SW 100 23:05 UT enablerec 05:00 UT stopexp Note: It was sometimes a clear sky and aurora was seen at 21:39-21:46 UT and 22:10-22:50 UT. ----------------------------------------------------- January 3, 2017 (Tuesday) (UHF) 19:40 UT runexp /kst/exp/beata/beata fm cp1 NI 29:57 UT enablerec 00:00 UT stopexp (January 4) 00:01 UT some problem of UHF antenna occurred 00:10 UT runexp /kst/exp/manda/manda 00:10 sw/maarsy SW 100 00:10 UT enablerec 05:00 UT stopexp Note: It was a clear sky and aurora was continuously seen after 17 UT on January 3. *************************************************************