% Number of header line: 14 % Generation date (Tromso): 2011/08/15 18:58:21 % Start date and Time (Tromso): 1987/03/18 00:12:30 % End date and Time (Tromso): 1987/03/18 22:59:50 % Integration time (Tromso): 0 % Read directory for Kiruna: /data9/anadata/kir/1980s/ant/1987-03-18_cp1h_ant@kir/// % Read directory for Sodankyla: /data9/anadata/sod/1980s/ant/1987-03-18_cp1h_ant@sod// % Read directory for Tromso: /data9/anadata/uhf/1980s/ant/1987-03-18_cp1h_ant@uhf// % Raw data directory: cp-2-d@uhf % Note: Geographic coordinate system is used for Vi and E field data. % Note: Use E field data above 200 km altitude. % YYMMDD HHMMSS HHMMSS LAT LONG ALT Q(KST) V_EAST V_NORTH V_UP V_ERR_E V_ERR_N V_ERR_UP E_EAST E_NORTH E_UP E_ERR_E E_ERR_N E_ERR_UP % sta UT end UT deg deg km m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s mV/m mV/m mV/m mV/m mV/m mV/m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1987 318 81400 81450 68.38 20.02 278.2 0 1 0 651.8 -8638.0 623.6 721.2 1779.4 1383.7 -386.7 -29.9 -10.3 66.8 33.4 6.7 1987 318 225920 230000 69.01 19.22 278.3 3 3 0 145.9 -447.3 -19.5 91.3 238.9 210.6 -20.6 -6.7 -1.6 8.8 4.2 0.8