% year, date, start time (HHMMSS, UT), end time (HHMMSS, UT), % Geographic latitude (120 km alt), Geographic longitude (120 km alt), % Alt of max(Sig_P) [km], Height-integrated Sig_P [S], % Altitude of max(Sig_H) [km], Height-integrated Sig_H [S], % Altitude of maximum(Ne) [km], Maximum(Ne) [log(m^(-3))] % Elevation, Azimuth, Kp, and Solar zenith angle (SZA) % Magic constant = 1 2015 907 112705 113000 69.36 19.15 120 7.283 107 11.901 142 11.107 77.6 187.0 27 64.2 2015 907 113000 113450 69.36 19.15 120 7.252 107 11.581 142 11.145 77.6 187.0 27 64.3