Yasunobu Ogawa
Study of long-term ionospheric variations based on Tromsø Ionosonde and EISCAT radar data
The 10th NIPR-UiT Online Joint Seminar, online, May 10, 2024.
Y. Ogawa, M. Fukizawa, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, S. Oyama, K. Shiokawa,
K. Seki, S. Kurita, K. Asamura, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, S. Matsuda,
Y. Kasahara, Y. Kato, I. Shinohara, and ERG-EISCAT project team,
Statistical study of high energy electron precipitation based on Arase satellite - EISCAT collaborative observation data
JpGU2024 meeting, P-EM15 session, Makuhari, May 29, 2024
Y. Ogawa, M. G. Johnsen, N. Gulbrandsen, A. D. Løkke, I. Mann, and I. Häggström,
Study of long-term ionospheric variations based on Tromsø Ionosonde and EISCAT radar data
The 21st International EISCAT Symposium 2024 and the 48th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Session D3 (Space Weather), UiT Arctic University of Norway, August 1, 2024
Yasunobu Ogawa
Unique and Fun EISCAT Experiments: Top-side ionosphere
International EISCAT radar school, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, August 12, 2024
Yasunobu Ogawa, Yoshimasa Tanaka, and IUGONET team
Data analysis on EISCAT radar data using PySPEDAS
International EISCAT radar school, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, August 15, 2024
Yasunobu Ogawa
Interpreting ISR Data
International EISCAT radar school, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, August 15, 2024
Yasunobu Ogawa
Collaborative Research Between Norway and Japan Based on EISCAT and EISCAT_3D
Norway-Japan Space Seminar, 明治記念館, October 3, 2024
Yasunobu Ogawa
Study of long-term ionospheric variations based on Tromsø Ionosonde and EISCAT radar data
UAP seminar, NIPR, Online, November 7, 2024
Y. Ogawa, M. G. Johnsen, N. Gulbrandsen, A. D. Løkke, I. Mann, and I. Häggström,
Study of long-term ionospheric variations based on Tromsø Ionosonde and EISCAT radar data
Polar Science Symposium, NIPR, OS session, December 4, 2024
Y. Ogawa, M. Fukizawa, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, S. Oyama, K. Shiokawa,
K. Seki, S. Kurita, K. Asamura, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, S. Matsuda,
Y. Kasahara, Y. Kato, I. Shinohara, and ERG-EISCAT project team,
Statistical study of high energy electron precipitation based on Arase satellite - EISCAT collaborative observation data
ISAR-7, NIPR, March 8, 2023 (Poster)
(Main convener of the R7 Geospace session)
Y. Ogawa, M. Fukizawa, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, S. Oyama, K. Shiokawa,
K. Seki, S. Kurita, K. Asamura, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, S. Matsuda,
Y. Kasahara, Y. Kato, I. Shinohara, and ERG-EISCAT project team,
Statistical study of high energy electron precipitation based on ERG (Arase)
satellite - EISCAT collaborative observation data,
Symposium on Scandinavia-related research activities,
IAP in Kühlungsborn, Germany, April 18, 2023
Y. Ogawa,
Joint Japanese-Norwegian observations with EISCAT and ground-based instruments,
Blix/Andøya Space Center - meeting ISAS/JAXA and NIPR,
Norwegian Embassy, Tokyo, April 26, 2023.
(Online presentation)
Yasunobu Ogawa, EISCAT_3D CP working group members,
EISCAT_3D Common Programmes,
EISCAT_3D User Meeting 2023, Uppsala Sweden and online, May 23, 2023.
Yasunobu Ogawa, Hiroshi Miyaoka, Satonori Nozawa, Taishi Hashimoto, Shin-ichiro Oyama,
Koji Nishimura, Takuo T. Tsuda, Hitoshi Fujiwara, Masaki Tsutsumi, Yoshimasa Tanaka,
Takanori Nishiyama, Mizuki Fukizawa, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Keisuke Hosokawa, Takuji Nakamura,
Ryoichi Fujii,
Japan's Activities for the EISCAT_3D Project,
Session P-EM15, JpGU2023 meeting May 26, 2023 (Poster presentation)
Y. Ogawa, M. Fukizawa, Y. Miyoshi, K. Hosokawa, S. Oyama, K. Shiokawa, K. Seki,
S. Kurita, K. Asamura, S. Kasahara, T. Mitani, S. Matsuda, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kato,
I. Shinohara, ERG-EISCAT project team,
Statistical study of high energy electron precipitation based on
ERG (Arase) satellite - EISCAT collaborative observation data,
UiT Space Physics Seminar, Forskningsparken A289, June 23 2023.
Y. Ogawa, H. Miyaoka, S. Nozawa, T. Hashimoto, S. Oyama, K. Nishimura,
T. T. Tsuda, H. Fujiwara, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tanaka, T. Nishiyama,
T. Nakamura, R. Fujii, C. Heinselm,
Japan's Activities for the EISCAT_3D Project
Session P-EM12, JpGU2022 meeting, 幕張, 2022年5月26日
Yasunobu Ogawa,
Statistical study of high energy electron precipitation based
on Arase satellite - EISCAT collaborative observation data,
NIPR UAP seminar, online, July 14, 2022
Yasunobu Ogawa, and EISCAT_3D CP Working Group members,
Possible common program (CP) modes for EISCAT_3D,
20th EISCAT International symposium/15th LPMR, August 16, 2022.
(Invited talk)
Ogawa Y., K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR2021), Scientific event C1.2, January 29, 2021.
(Invited, online meeting)
Y. Ogawa, A. Kadokura, and M. K. Ejiri,
Optical calibration system of NIPR for aurora and airglow observations,
JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021年6月4日(オンライン、ポスター)
Y. Ogawa,
Study on Atmospheric Escape,
The 2nd NIPR-UiT Online Monthly Joint Seminar, October 14, 2021.
Y. Ogawa,
An idea for possible common program (CP) modes for EISCAT_3D,
14th EISCAT_3D user meeting & 2nd EISCAT_3D Software and Data meeting,
November 29-30, 2021.
(Thermospheric Joule heating rate as measured by the EISCAT radar system)、
極地研 宙空圏研究グループセミナー、zoom開催、2021年12月16日
Evolution of planetary water -From the viewpoint of ion outflow from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere-
The 21st Symposium on Planetary Sciences (SPS 2020), Tohoku University, Sendai, February 17, 2020.
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi1, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom,
Ion temperature and velocity variations in the D- and E-region polar ionosphere during stratospheric sudden warming,
ISAR-6 on-line presentation, R7-O07, March - April , 2020.
(R7 session main convener)
NIPR optical calibration system and low-cost multiwavelength imager system for aurora and airglow observations、
Ogawa, Y., A. Kadokura, Y. Tanaka, and WMI team,
Network observations of aurora and airglow with low-cost multi-wavelength imager system,
JpGU - AGU Joint Meeting 2020, 2020年7月(オンライン、ポスター)
Ogawa, Y., A. Kadokura, Y. Tanaka, and WMI team,
NIPR optical calibration system and low-cost multiwavelength imager system for aurora and airglow observations,
The Symposium on Polar Science, December, 2020.(オンライン、ポスター)
Y. Ogawa, K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
JpGU Meeting 2019, 2019年5月30日 (orall)
T. Takahashi, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, C. Hall, H. Miyaoka,
Spatial-temporal distribution of anomalous enhancement of ambipolar diffusion
coefficient observed by meteor radars installed in the polar region,
JpGU Meeting 2019, 2019年5月30日 (poster 代理発表)
Y. Ogawa, K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
The 19th EISCAT symposium, Oulu University, 2019年8月20日 (oral)
(Session convener, Chairperson)
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom,
Ion temperature and velocity variations in the D- and E-region polar ionosphere
during stratospheric sudden warming,
The 146th SGEPSS fall meeting, Kumamoto, 2019年10月24日
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom,
Ion temperature and velocity variations in the D- and E-region polar ionosphere
during stratospheric sudden warming,
Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, December 4, 2019.
Y. Ogawa, K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
AGU fall meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco, December 13, 2019.
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom
Ion temperature variations in the D- and E-region polar ionosphere during stratospheric sudden warming,
ISAR-5, Tokyo, January 17, 2018.
Y. Ogawa,
EPP observation from EISCAT_3D,
Workshop on precipitation of energetic electrons and its impacts on the middle atmosphere,
ISEE Nagoya University, January 22, 2018.
EISCAT_3D Japan working group、
Current status of Japanese EISCAT_3D preparation,
9th EISCAT_3D user meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 8-9, 2016.
(One of program committee members of the meeting)
Y. Ogawa and L. Bjoland,
Long-term variations and trends in the polar ionosphere and thermosphere,
10th Workshop on Long-term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, Hefei, China, May 15, 2018
(Invited talk)
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom,
Ion temperature variations in the D- and E-region polar ionosphere during stratospheric sudden warming,
JpGU2018 meeting, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, May 20, 2018.
(Chair and co-conniver of the international session
"Study of coupling processes in solar-terrestrial system".
One of JpGU program committee members)
Y. Ogawa, K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
Planetary Atmospheric Erosion - Europlanet Workshop 2018,
Puflene, Murighiol, Romania, June 13, 2018.
(Invited talk)
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi, Y. Tomikawa, C. Hall, and I. Haggstrom,
Temperature and velocity variations of polar ionosphere during stratospheric sudden warming (SSW),
Polar2018 Open Science Conference, Davos, Switzerland, June 20, 2018.
(One of session co-conveners: AC4 POLAR ATMOSPHERE AND GEOSPACE)
Y. Ogawa,
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere,
UAP seminar, 極地研セミナー室、2018年8月2日
Y. Ogawa, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, K. Hosokawa, K. Shiokawa,
T. Hori, Y. Kazama, K. Seki, S. Kurita, Y. Kasaba, M. Shoji,
Y. Kasahara, I. Virtanen, A. Kadokura, K. Asamura, A. Matsuoka,
M. Teramoto, I. Shinohara, S. Yokota, K. Keika,
B.-J. Wang, S.-Y. Wang, S. W. Y. Tam, and T.-F. Chang
Counter-streaming electrons and their ionization in the ionosphere: ERG-EISCAT simultaneous observations
Ogawa Y., K. Seki, K. Keika, and Y. Ebihara
Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere
SGEPSS fall meeting, Nagoya University, 25 November, 2018
Y. Ogawa, Y. Miyoshi, S. Kasahara, K. Hosokawa, K. Shiokawa,
T. Hori, Y. Kazama, K. Seki, S. Kurita, Y. Kasaba, M. Shoji,
Y. Kasahara, I. Virtanen, A. Kadokura, K. Asamura, A. Matsuoka,
M. Teramoto, I. Shinohara, S. Yokota, K. Keika,
B.-J. Wang, S.-Y. Wang, S. W. Y. Tam, and T.-F. Chang
Counter-streaming electrons and their ionization in the ionosphere: ERG-EISCAT simultaneous observations
The 9th Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, December 5, 2018
Y. Ogawa, Y. Saito, T. Abe, H. Kojima and SS-520-3 rocket team,
Science objective of SS-520-3 experiment,
Birkeland Symposium and workshop, Univ. of Tokyo, April 7, 2017.
Yasunobu Ogawa, Keisuke Hosokawa, Shin-Ichiro Oyama, Yoshizumi Miyoshi,
Hiroshi Miyaoka, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Satonori Nozawa, Rei Kurita, Kazuo Shiokawa,
Takeshi Sakanoi and Ryoichi Fujii
Estimating the energy of pulsating aurora electrons:
simultaneous observations with multi-wavelength all-sky imagers and EISCAT,
The 18th EISCAT symposium, NIPR, Tokyo, 2017年5月27日
Yasunobu Ogawa, Satonori Nozawa、 Masaki Tsutsumi, and Ingemar Haggstrom
D- and E-region ion temperature measured with EISCAT radar facility,
The 18th EISCAT symposium, NIPR, Tokyo, 2017年5月27日
EISCAT_3D Japan working group、
Current status of Japanese EISCAT_3D preparation,
EISCAT_3D user meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 18-19, 2016.
(One of program committee members of the meeting)
Y. Ogawa and Y. Sato,
Statistical study of Langmuir turbulence measured with ESR,
EISCAT_3D user meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 18-19, 2016.
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, and I. Haggstrom,
D- and E-region ISR spectra measured with EISCAT radar facilities,
JpGU2016 meeting, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, May 23, 2016.
(poster presentation,
Chair and co-conniver of the international session
"Study of coupling processes in solar-terrestrial system".)
Y. Ogawa,
Long-term variations and trends in the polar ionosphere and thermosphere,
The first VarSITI general symposium, Albena, Bulgaria, June 6, 2016.
(Invited talk)
Response of mass transfer between ionosphere and magnetosphere to solar wind variations
Y. Ogawa, S. Nozawa, M. Tsutsumi and I. Haggstrom,
D- and E-region ISR spectra measured with EISCAT radar facilities,
SGEPSS fall meeting, Kyushu University, November 21, 2016.
(Poster presentation)
Ogawa, Y., T. Motoba, S. C. Buchert, I. Haggstrom and S. Nozawa,
Upper atmosphere cooling over the past 33 years,
Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-4),
Toyama International Conference Center, Toyama, Japa, April 28, 2015.
(Poster presentation. Main conniver of the A4 geospace session.)
EISCAT_3D Japan working group、
Current status of Japanese EISCAT_3D preparation、
Prototype HPA for EISCAT_3D SSPA、
EISCAT_3D User Meeting 2015, May 6-7, 2015.
(One of program committee members of the meeting)
Ogawa, Y., T. Motoba, S. C. Buchert, I. Haggstrom and S. Nozawa,
Upper atmosphere cooling over the past 33 years,
JpGU meeting 2015, Makuhari, May 26, 2015.
(Poster presentation)
Ogawa, Y.,
Study on ion upflow based on high latitude IS radars and future EISCAT_3D,
JpGU meeting 2015, Makuhari, May 28, 2015.
(Chair and co-conniver of the international session
"Study of coupling processes in solar-terrestrial system".)
EISCAT_3D Japan working group、
Updated information of national activities to realize the EISCAT_3D project,
Bussiness meeting of the "Study of coupling processes in solar-terrestrial system",
JpGU meeting 2015, Makuhari, May 28, 2015.
(Clerk of the Bussiness meeting)
Ogawa, Y., Y. Otsuka, M. Yamamoto, and Y. Hamaguchi、
Ionospheric scintillation observations by a digital beacon receiver in Tromso
URSI-JRSM 2015, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 3 September, 2015.
Ogawa, Y., H. Miyaoka, T. Sakanoi, S. Suzuki, M. Taguchi and A. Kadokura,
Long-term spectral observations of aurora and airglow in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
The 17th EISCAT International symposium, 14 September, 2015.
(Chair of the radar and optical session)
Ogawa, Y.,
Study on ion upflow and outflow based on EISCAT_3D,
JpGU meeting 2014, Yokohama, April 30, 2014.
(Co-convenor and chair of the international session:
Study of coupling processes in Sun-Earth system with large radars and large-area
Ogawa, Y., S. Nozawa, Y. Miyoshi, A. Mizuno, Y. Saito,
T. Abe, and EISCAT_3D Japan team,
Japanese plans of ground-based and in-situ measurements related to EISCAT_3D,
The 6th EISCAT_3D User Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 12, 2014
EISCAT_3D Japan team,
Current status of Japanese EISCAT_3D preparation,
The 6th EISCAT_3D User Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 14, 2014
(One of program committee members of the meeting)
Ogawa, Y., Y. Otsuka, and Y. Hamaguchi、
Ionospheric scintillation observations by a digital beacon receiver in Tromso
The Fifth Symposium on Polar Science(第5回極域科学シンポジウム), 2-5 December, 2014.
(特別セッション 代表コンビナー)
Ogawa, Y., T. Motoba, I. Haggstrom, S. Nozawa and S. C. Buchert,
Polar ionosphere and thermosphere cooling over the past 30 years,
ISAR-3 symposium, Miraikan in Tokyo, January 15-17, 2013.
(LOC member of the ISAR-3 symposium (ISAR-3 実務委員))
Ogawa, Y.,
EISCAT Data Analysis, -base, Tools and Procedures at NIPR,
The 5th EISCAT_3D User meeting, IRF Uppsala, 6-8 May 2013.
(Chair person on 7 May. Presentation about Japanese
activities for EISCAT_3D on 8 May.)
Ogawa, Y., M. Sawatsubashi, S. C. Buchert,
K. Hosokawa, S. Taguchi, S. Nozawa, S. Oyama,
T. T. Tsuda, and R. Fujii,
Relationship between auroral substorm and ion upflow
in the nightside polar ionosphere,
The 16th EISCAT Symposium, Lancaster University, UK, 15 August 2013.
Craig Heinselman、
The AMISR Radars (PFISR and RISR)、
京都大学宇治キャンパス 木質ホール大会議室
Ogawa, Y.,
Study of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling based on EISCAT/EISCAT_3D,
Workshop on the 10th Anniversary of Science and Technology Agreement between Japan and Norway,
Norwegian Polar Institute, 22 October, 2013.
Ogawa, Y., H. Miyaoka, T. Sakanoi, S. Suzuki,
A. Kadokura, and M. Taguchi,
Long-term spectral observations of aurora and
airglow in Longyearbyen, Svalbard,
The Fourth Symposium on Polar Science, NIPR, 12-15 November, 2013.
Ogawa, Y., M. Sawatsubashi, S. C. Buchert,
K. Hosokawa, S. Taguchi, S. Nozawa, S. Oyama,
T. T. Tsuda, and R. Fujii,
Relationship between auroral substorm and ion upflow
in the nightside polar ionosphere,
International CAWSES-II Symposium, Nagoya University, 21 November 2013.
Miyaoka H., S. Nozawa, Y. Ogawa, S. Oyama,
T. Nakamura, R. Fujii, and C. Heinselman,
Toward New collaborative studies with EISCAT and EISCAT_3D radars,
International CAWSES-II Symposium, Nagoya University, 21 November 2013.
Y. Ogawa, H. Miyaoka, A. Kadokura, T. Motoba, Y. Tanaka,
K. Hosokawa, Y. Otsuka, T. Sakanoi, and M. Taguchi,
Current status and future plan of NIPR optical and radio
observations in Tromso and Longyearbyen,
NIPR symposium on conjugate aurora and SuperDARN
- past, present and future,
Main Conference room in NIPR, February 17, 2012.
(Poster presentation)
小川泰信, M. Kosch, M. Rietveld, C. Bryers, 野澤悟徳, 藤井良一、
日本地球惑星科学連合 2012年大会、2012年5月23日
Ogawa, Y.,
Ion upflow in the topside polar ionosphere,
Japan-Norway Symposium on Space Sciences in Polar Region
at University of Oslo, Norway, June 5-6, 2012.
(Invited talk) (session chair person)
Ogawa, Y., T. Motoba, I. Haggstrom, S. Nozawa and S. C. Buchert,
Long-term variations and trends of ionospheric temperatures
observed with the EISCAT Tromso UHF radar,
NIPR symposium, November 27, 2012.
Ogawa, Y., G. Ueno and I. Häggström,
Investigations of the upper polar atmosphere by incoherent scatter plasma line observations,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 08 April 2011. (Poster)
(Co-convener and chairperson of the session ST3.4:
Advance in ionospheric research by incoherent scatter radars,
related radio methods and novel large observational systems)
Ogawa, Y., and S. C. Buchert,
EISCAT observations of field-aligned ion flow in the topside ionosphere,
The 3rd EISCAT_3D User meeting, IRF Uppsala, 19 May 2011.
Ogawa, Y., and S. C. Buchert,
Resent results of ion up/outflow observed with the EISCAT radars,
The 2011 IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne Australia, 05 July 2011
(Invited talk)
Yasunobu Ogawa, T. Motoba, I. Haggstrom and S. Nozawa,
Long-term variations and trends of ionospheric
temperatures observed with the EISCAT Tromso UHF radar
International EISCAT Workshop, Qingdao, China, 5-9 September 2011.
(Poster presentation)
小川泰信、元場哲郎、I. Haggstrom、野澤悟徳
Long-term variations and trends of ionospheric
temperatures observed with the EISCAT Tromso UHF radar
小川泰信、S. C. Buchert、I. Häggström、
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, I. Häggström,
R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, and H. Miyaoka,
On the statistical relation between ion upflow and naturally enhanced
ion-acoustic lines observed with the EISCAT Svalbard radar,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, May
(solicited talk)
小川泰信、S. C. Buchert、I. Häggström、藤井良一、野澤悟徳、宮岡宏、
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Tokyo Makuhari Messe, May 23, 2010.
Ogawa, Y., and S. C. Buchert,
High Altitude NEIALs, Hydrogen and Oxygen Upflow,
The 2nd EISCAT 3D User Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 19-21, 2010.
Sato, K., M. Tsutsumi, T. Sato, T. Nakamura, A. Saito, Y. Tomikawa,
K. Nishimura, H. Yamagishi, and T. Yamanouchi,
Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar(PANSY),
The 2nd EISCAT 3D User Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, May 19-21, 2010
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, I. Häggström,
R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, and H. Miyaoka,
On the statistical relation between ion upflow and naturally enhanced
ion-acoustic lines observed with the EISCAT Svalbard radar,
IPY Oslo Science conference, Oslo, Norway, June 8-12, 2010.
(Co-convener and chairperson of T2-8: Heliosphere impact on geospace)
Hosokawa, K. and Y. Ogawa,
Pedersen current carried by electrons in auroral D-region
- 3D current system behind pulsating aurorae -
Ogawa Y., I. Häggström, and A.P. van Eyken,
EISCAT observations during the International Polar Year,
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-2),
Tokyo, 9 December, 2010.
(Poster presentation)
Ogawa, Y.,
Ion upflow and downflow in the cusp and polar cap,
Dayside Cusp and Polar Cap Ionosphere: Present knowledge and
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway, April23-24, 2009.
(Invited talk).
Ogawa, Y., H. Miyaoka, R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, S. Oyama,
EISCAT observations during the International Polar Year,
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Tokyo Makuhari Messe, May 21, 2009.
Ogawa, Y.,
NIPR and Japanese ideas/plans in Svalbard,
SIOS WG1 meeting, The Norwegian Space Centre, Oslo, Norway, 4-5 June2009.
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, I. Haggstrom, H. Miyaoka, R.Fujii, S. Nozawa,
Ion upflows and naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines seen in the
IPYESR continuous run,
the International EISCAT Workshop, Teomso Norway, August 3-7, 2009.
Ogawa, Y., K. Seki, M. Hirahara, K. Asamura, T. Sakanoi,
Y.Ebihara, Y. Obuchi, S. C. Buchert, I. Sandahl, S. Nozawa, and R.
Relationship between ion upflows and suprathermal ions observed withthe
EISCAT Svalbard radar and Reimei satellite,
SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia,
July07-10, 2008.
Ogawa, Y., H. Miyaoka, R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, S. Oyama,
A.Yukimatsu, A. Kadokura, M. Hirahara and N. Sato,
Study on plasma heating and ion outflows based on EISCAT observations,
Joint Seminor "Study on polar ionosphere-magnetosphere
coupling",Japan-China Scientific Cooperation Program sponsored by JSPS
and NSFC,NIPR, 5-7 August 2008.
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, A. Sakurai, S. Nozawa, and R.Fujii,
Solar activity dependence of ion upflow in the polar ionosphere,
CAWSES/IHY workshop, 名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館カンファレンスホール, 2007年03月14-16日
EISCAT 研究集会、
- PC 等のセットアップについて、
- EISCAT データ解析の講習(チュートリアル)、
- 2006年度のEISCAT実験の実施状況、
- IPY 期間中(2007年3月-)の EISCAT 観測について、
- ESR を用いた極冠域における極風の観測的研究、
- EISCAT 成果報告(Ogawa et al., Ann Geophys, 2006)
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, and R. Fujii,
Ion upflow and energization in the topside polar ionosphere,
Norway-Japan Symposium on Polar, Space, and Climate Research,
The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Tokyo, May 29, 2007.
Ogawa, Y., K. Seki, M. Hirahara, K. Asamura, T. Sakanoi,
Y.Ebihara, Y. Obuchi, S. C. Buchert, I. Sandahl, S. Nozawa, and R. Fujii,
Relationship between ion upflows and suprathermal ions observed withthe
EISCAT Svalbard radar and Reimei satellite
The 13th International EISCAT Workshop, Mariehamn, Finland,
August06-10, 2007.
小川泰信, 麻生武彦, 藤井良一, 野澤悟徳, 大山伸一郎, 平原聖文, S. C. Buchert,
I.Haggstrom, A. Westman, and M. Langteigen,
EISCAT スヴァールバルレーダーを用いた極冠域電離圏における極風の観測的研究
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, A. Sakurai, S. Nozawa, and
Solar activity dependence of ion upflow in the polar ionosphere,
International CAWSES Symposium, Kyoto University, October 23-27,
Ogawa, Y., M. Hirahara, T. Sakanoi, K. Asamura, K. Seki,
S.Nozawa, R. Fujii, S. Buchert, Y. Kasaba, Y. Obuchi, T. Ino, and
Coordinated Reimei and EISCAT observations of ion upflows in the
AOGS 2006 meeting, Singapore, July, 2006
(Invited talk).
Ogawa, Y., T. Aso, H. Miyaoka, A. Kadokura, M. Tsutsumi,
Y.Ebihara, R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, K. Seki, Y. Miyoshi, S. Oyama, J.
Lunde,M. Sawatsubashi, S. Okano, T. Sakanoi, Y. Obuchi, T. Ino, S.
Maeda, M.Hirahara, T. Abe, K. Asamura, S. Watanabe, S. Sato, S. C.
Buchert, A.P. van Eyken, A. Stromme, and I. Haggstrom,
Current and future EISCAT observations of ion upflows in the
Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation
andInternational Collaborations,
Multipurpose Conference Hall, Tachikawa Memorial Buildin
RikkyoUniversity, Tokyo, Japan
November 1-3, 2006.
Ogawa, Y., T. Aso, H. Miyaoka, A. Kadokura, M. Tsutsumi,
Y.Ebihara, R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, K. Seki, Y. Miyoshi, S. Oyama, J.
Lunde,M. Sawatsubashi, S. Okano, T. Sakanoi, Y. Obuchi, T. Ino, S.
Maeda, M.Hirahara, T. Abe, K. Asamura, S. Watanabe, S. Sato, S. C.
Buchert, A.P. van Eyken, A. Stromme, and I. Haggstrom,
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, 小竹論季, 津川卓也, 大塚雄一, 野澤悟徳, 藤井良一,
第29回 極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 2005年 8月4-5日.
Ogawa, Y., A. Sakurai, S. Nozawa, and R. Fujii,
Solar activity dependence of ion upflow in the polar ionosphere,
The 12th International EISCAT Workshop, Sweden, 29 August -
2 September,2005.
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, 野澤悟徳, 藤井良一,
Statistical study of ion upflow and downflow observed with
EISCATSvalbard radar,
地球惑星科学関連学会2004年合同大会, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 2004年 5月.
小川泰信, K. Oksavik, the SERSIO science team,
EISCAT observations during the SERSIO experiment,
第28回 極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 2004年 8月.
小川泰信, K. Oksavik, J. Moen, 野澤悟徳, 藤井良一,
EISCAT observations during the SERSIO experiment,
第116回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 愛媛大学, 2004年 9月9月28日-10月1日.
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, F. Pitout, H. J. Opgenoorth,
A.Vaivads, and M. Andre,
Small and large structures of the cusp observed with CLUSTER and
EISCATSvalbard radar,
The EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, France, April 2003.
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, H. J. Opgenoorth, A. Vaivads, M.Andre,
Small and large structures of the cusp observed with CLUSTER and
EISCATSvalbard radar,
地球惑星科学関連学会2003年合同大会, 幕張メッセ国際会議場, 2003年 5月.
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, M. Andre,
クラスター II 衛星観測による高高度カスプ内のエネルギーと力のバランス,
第27回 極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 2003年 7月.
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, R. Fujii, S. Nozawa, and F.Forme,
Height distribution of naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines in
thepolar topside ionosphere,
The 11th International EISCAT Workshop, USA, August 2003.
Ogawa, Y., S. C. Buchert, A. Vaivads, and M. Andre,
Dynamics and Energy Balance in the Exterior Cusp and its
The 10th Space Physics Conference, China, September 2003.
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, 藤井良一, 野澤悟徳, F. Forme,
Height distribution of naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines in
thepolar topside ionosphere,
第114回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 2003年10月.
小川泰信, 藤井良一, 野澤悟徳, S. C. Buchert,
Naturally enhanced ion-acoustic lines seen in background data
observedwith the EISCAT Svalbard Radar: Its interpretation and an
地球惑星関連学会2002年合同大会, オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 2002年 6月.
Ogawa, Y., and S. C. Buchert,
An event study using Cluster data on March 4, 2002,
The 3rd CLUSTER workshop, UK, August 18-20, 2002.
小川泰信, S. C. Buchert, 岩橋弘幸, 藤井良一, 野澤悟徳, 渡部重十, J. Markkanen,
Simultaneous EISCAT VHF radar and ESR observations of ion heating inthe
topside ionosphere in the cusp region,
第112回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 電気通信大学, 2002年 11月.
Ogawa, Y., R. Fujii, S. C. Buchert, and S. Nozawa,
Anisotropy of ion temperature associated with ion upflow in the
wintercusp observed with the EISCAT radars,
AGU Spring Meeting 2001, USA, May 2001.
小川泰信, 藤井良一, S. C. Buchert, 野澤悟徳,
EISCAT レーダーで冬期に観測されたイオンアップフローに伴うイオン温度異方性,
地球惑星関連学会2001年合同大会, オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 2001年 6月.
Ogawa, Y., R. Fujii, S. C. Buchert, and S. Nozawa,
Statistical study of ion upflow and downflow observed with the
EISCATSvalbard radar,
The 10th International EISCAT Workshop, Tokyo, August 2001.
Ogawa, Y., S. Nozawa, S. C. Buchert, R. Fujii, and
Simultaneous EISCAT Svalbard radar and DMSP satellite observations
ofion upflow in the dayside ionosphere,
The 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, Tokyo, August 2001.
小川泰信, 藤井良一, S. C. Buchert, 野澤悟徳,
名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所・通信総合研究所 研究集会
「中間圏・熱圏・電離圏研究会 -中間圏・熱圏・電離圏のエレクトロダイナミクス」,
通信総合研究所, 2001年9月17日.
小川泰信, 藤井良一, S. C. Buchert, 野澤悟徳, 大谷晋一,
Simultaneous ESR and DMSP observations of ion upflow in the
第110回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 九州大学, 2001年 11月.
小川泰信, 藤井良一, S. C. Buchert, 野澤悟徳, 渡部重十,
EISCATレーダーを用いたIon outflowに伴うイオンに働く力の定量的評価,
地球惑星関連学会1999年合同大会, オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 1999年 6月.
Ogawa, Y., S. Nozawa, S. C. Buchert, R. Fujii, S.
Watanabe,and A. P. van Eyken,
Simultaneous EISCAT Svalbard and VHF radar observation of ion upflowsat
different aspect angles,
The 9th International EISCAT Workshop, Germany, September 1999.
Ogawa, Y., F. Forme and S. C. Buchert,
Naturally enhanced ion acoustic lines seen at different
wavelengths (observational results),
The 9th International EISCAT Workshop, Germany, September 1999.
小川泰信, 杉野正彦, 野澤悟徳, S. C. Buchert, 藤井良一, 渡部重十,
EISCAT レーダーによる Ion upflows と ExB ドリフトとの関係,
第106回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 仙台市民会館, 1999年 11月.